State of Becoming
State of Becoming
State of Becoming
Joanie Landau Designs

State of Becoming

Regular price $ 700.00 $ 0.00 Unit price per

This work is part of the “Sticker Shock” series. A recent day in Brooklyn revealed messages of all kinds. Multi-layered on every surface in the streets were serious political directives, memorandums to higher beings, and declarations of love inter-connected in a menagerie of communication. This piece is inspired by the Bob Dylan quote from No Direction Home: “An artist has to be careful never to really arrive at a place where he thinks he’s at somewhere. You always have to realize that you’re constantly in a state of becoming, and as long as you’re in that realm, you’ll sort of be all right.” 

Accepted into the 2017 Pequot Library, Southport, CT 20th Annual Art Show: The Story of Art, as well as the 2018 Taos Art Insurgency, Greg Moon Gallery, Taos, NM: The New Protagonists.

Limited Edition of 15.

30 x 30 Digital Collagraph printed on archival ink jet paper, face mounted to 1/4" Plexiglass (Display Ready).

Please allow 2 weeks for custom printing.  Shipping costs to be determined.