Episode 5: The Conference Room

Boston Legal Bug Design Janet Samuels Photographs Manhattan Saks 5th Avenue Sisley William Shatner

I’ve been invited to a meeting and I have no idea what it's about.  I'm pondering my state of confusion while waiting alone in a conference room, high above midtown Manhattan on the 40th floor.  I know the meeting is about my business, but to admit I'm unprepared and my brain is a wasteland is an understatement. 

Called for 3:00 and it is now 3:25, I am beginning to think the meeting isn't happening.  Perhaps they forgot about it. It’s August and it's Friday after all. Everyone and their mother is in the Hamptons hanging with the Kardashians. I’m not concerned because I’m really diggin’ this conference room. I feel like I'm in Boston Legal and William Shatner will drop by and we’ll smoke cigars.  

The chairs are so comfy I could sit here all day.  It would be great if they gave rolling massages like at the nail salons.  I'm contemplating the awesome view when I spy an ice bucket, bottled water and diet cokes. Who put ice in the bucket?  Is there a housekeeper?  Turn down service?  Alcohol?!  

There is no one around.  It feels like the building got evacuated and I missed the alarms.  The door is closed and I could put a little bed under the 50' conference table and take a nap, although I might ruin my makeup. The woman at the Sisley counter at Saks, Goldie, she touched me up a bit. She said I needed more concealer.   I started the day thinking I looked quite good but now I'm pretty sure I don't.  Goldie cheered me up by giving me dozens of samples of $510 moisturizer.  It's organic, so there.

My solitude finally comes to an end and the meeting gets under way.  I snap to, sort of.  One woman speaks so rapidly that I am hearing every fifth word.  I know Hubby is going to ask me a gazillion questions about what she said and I am going to say, "Duh."   I take notes: branding, PR, marketing, social media..... a rapid fire business plan that will ultimately cost me my house. Maybe I will move in here after all. No one will notice me sleeping under the conference table.  Especially on Fridays. 

 Joanie Landau Jewelry, Janet Samuel Photographs, Bug Design Graphics


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